Free childcare in Stockport for 2, 3 and 4-year-olds

Government-funded childcare for all 3 and 4-year-olds, as well as eligible 2-year-olds, can be accessed at Together Childcare.

For more information, please visit the Council’s website page HERE.

We’re happy to help parents in accessing these funded hours so please get in touch if you would like to use them with us.

Together Childcare lendwithcare aims ‘to help some of the world’s poorest people work their way out of poverty with dignity’ and each time we look after a new child, we use the website to support a small business owner.  Our profile is HERE so you can view who is being supported as we pass on the natural kindness of your child!

The Friends of Cale Green Park Crowdfunding

The Friends of Cale Green Park are raising money (HERE) in order to provide our community with park events. Readers may be aware that the Easter Farmer’s Market event this year was cancelled. With cuts in funding, this ‘crowdfunding’ initiative seeks to raise the funds to help provide future events. Here’s a short video highlighting previous events:

At Together Childcare, we’re happy to support this initiative.


We hope that you will consider adding your support (HERE) to ensure our community continues to enjoy these park events.